Coordinated Care Organization commits to covering funding shortfalls to keep critical service running in rural Oregon

The Behavioral Health Unit at Bay Area Hospital will remain open thanks to funding support from COHO member Advanced Health and other community organizations. The support led to the reversal of an earlier announcement that the unit would face imminent closure due to lack of funding. This story illustrates the important role coordinated care organizations (CCOs) play in their local communities.

Read the June 14 press release: “Community Joins Forces to Keep Behavioral Health Unit Open at Bay Area Hospital.” via Bay Area Hospital.

Oregon’s coordinated care model allows local CCOs the flexibility to meet local health needs through partnerships and investments in health infrastructure.

“Advanced Health is pleased to support this important work,” said CEO Ben Messner. “CCOs are the glue that holds the health system together and prevents people falling through the cracks, particularly in rural Oregon.”

During the pandemic and through natural disasters, CCOs across the state stepped up to help members, providers, and other partners with a range of needs, including behavioral health care. Such actions demonstrate the importance of local control, budget flexibility, and breaking down siloes through strong partnerships.

Advanced Health serves more than 25,000 members of the Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid) in Coos and Curry counties. Its network includes physician clinics, hospitals, county providers, substance abuse, and dental services.

COHO is an association of seven CCOs across Oregon. It advocates for local control, health equity, and preserving the coordinated care model.