Entries by Coalition for a Healthy Oregon

Yamhill Community Care Joins COHO

Partnership Builds Momentum for COHO’s Aggressive Legislative Agenda MCMINNVILLE, Oregon – The Coalition for a Healthy Oregon (COHO) is pleased to announce that Yamhill Community Care has joined its statewide association of coordinated care organizations that now represent more than 184,000 members of the Oregon Health Plan. The six members of COHO provide high-quality health […]

Should Addressing Low-Value Care be a Policy Priority?

Last week, the Oregon Health Authority and the Oregon Health Leadership Council released a study which seeks to identify ways to lower the cost of health care by eliminating “low-value” services – medical treatments, tests, and procedures that have been shown to provide little benefit in certain clinical scenarios. In the battle to rein in […]

CCO Creation: Legislation (SB 1580)

In Oregon, about 23.8 percent of our population uses the Oregon Health Plan (OHP) for their health insurance. That means CCOs across the state are serving roughly 984,106 Oregonians by ensuring they have access to equitable, timely, and appropriate health services. This current organization that utilizes CCOs as a single point of contact for Medicaid health […]

COHO Member Delivers Summer Fun

We have known for quite some time that our schools play a stabilizing role in many families’ lives, providing access to resources along with an education. Many schools were helping to ensure children were eating on a regular basis at reduced or waived rates, connecting children and parents to social services and community supports, and providing […]

Trillium Community Health Plan investments to address housing and food security concerns for OHP Members

Affordable housing advocates have been working with legislators for years to craft state policies to meaningfully address housing affordability and access to affordable housing. Without attempting to grade past performance in this area, it is safe to say there is still work to be done in this policy area. In this fourth installment in our COHO Health Equity series, we spotlight COHO member Trillium Community Health Plan investments to address housing and food security […]

COHO Member Announces Significant Investment

We are incredibly excited to share the third feature of our health equity series! Last Month, Cascade Health Alliance announced a significant investment in Klamath & Lake Community Action Services (KLCAS), a nonprofit that assists individuals who have been financially impacted by the pandemic. KLCAS’ services to Oregonians include assistance with rental payments, utility payments, parenting supports, and more. Cascade Health Alliance has long […]

COHO Members Testify to Senate Health Care Committee

This Monday, two members of the Coalition for a Healthy Oregon testified to the Senate Health Care Committee on their provider support strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Jeanne Savage, Chief Medical Officer of Trillium Community Health Plan, and Will Brake, the Chief Operating Officer of AllCare Health represented our association to the Senate Health […]

Deferred Elective Procedures Expected to Surge

At the outset of Oregon’s coronavirus outbreak, Gov. Kate Brown issued sweeping executive orders to help “flatten the curve” and preserve health system capacity. One of these orders was a ban on non-urgent medical procedures, which has since been lifted. Gov. Brown and her medical experts have encouraged people to seek the health care they […]

CCO Highlight: Yamhill CCO

All our member CCOs are doing a fantastic job ensuring that their members get the care that they need during this crisis, and this week we decided to highlight the work of a CCO that is not currently in our membership. Yamhill CCO is constantly innovating for the Oregonians living in their service area, and […]

OHP Budget Cuts & How to Protect Our Federal Match

Prior to the Revenue Forecast, which was released to the public this past Wednesday, Oregon Legislators and Governor Brown were staring down a budget shortfall of unknown proportions. In preparation for the Revenue Forecast, and to shore up potential budget holes before the end of the year, Governor Brown asked every agency to put together […]