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But we are proud to say that Coalition for a Healthy Oregon contributed 64 entries already.
Entries by Coalition for a Healthy Oregon
Rumor Watch: When will the Oregon Legislature Hold Session?
Oregon Legislators were due for a special session before the novel coronavirus pandemic hit our doorstep to address unfinished business from the 2020 Short Session. Little was accomplished in the short session due to partisan walkouts, and critical budgets remain unpassed. Now that legislators and other public officials are working on economic relief from the […]
CCO Highlight – Advanced Health
All our member CCOs are doing stellar things during this pandemic to aid their communities, but this week we wanted to share what Advanced Health CCO, located Coos Bay, is doing for its members! In Coos Bay, Oregon, elderly folks make up about 28 percent of the city’s population, with a similar proportion in Curry […]
How will the CARES Act affect Oregonians & Our Health Care System?
Last week, the federal government passed a stimulus package aptly named the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. This policy provides resources for individuals, small businesses, health care providers, hospital systems, corporations, and many more. We’ve all heard about the federal legislation that will supposedly provide cash payments to Americans, but what does […]
Oregon Receives Approval of Important Medicaid Waivers
Late last week, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) received word from the Centers on Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) that most of our state’s 1135 waiver has been approved. This federal document allows flexibility in our Medicaid delivery system during times of crisis, in order to allow providers and coordinated care organizations (CCOs) to pivot […]
CCO Highlight—AllCare Health
While all of our member CCOs are doing amazing things in their communities, this week, we decided to highlight the work that AllCare Health has been putting in to ensure that the children in their service area do not go hungry, despite the closure of schools. Most children attending school in the Three Rivers School […]
COHO Partners with State, Offers Policy Solutions for COVID-19
As Oregon grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, CCOs are well-positioned to help Oregonians access health care. At its core, the CCO model is designed to keep people out of emergency departments and hospitals. In a time when we are expecting a huge surge of people to utilize hospitals for emergency care, CCOs’ ability to keep […]
Governor Brown Issues “Stay Home, Save Lives” Executive Order
Yesterday morning, Governor Kate Brown issued an executive order broadening the types of businesses required to close their doors during the COVID-19 pandemic and creates a penalty for those that seek to break the order. Though it may seem similar to the “shelter-in-place” orders that states around the nation are utilizing, our executive order differs […]
CCOs Aid Oregonians during Pandemic
As Oregon grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, CCOs are well positioned to help Oregonians access health care. At its core, the CCO model is designed to keep people out of emergency departments (EDs) and hospitals. All our member CCOs (Advanced Health, AllCare Health, Cascade Health Alliance, Trillium Community Health Plan, and Umpqua Health Alliance) are […]